Ratings & reviews for Siccas Guitars

Manuel Contreras 1983 Concert guitar / Rio rosewood.


Impuestos de tasa cero

1 disponibles

Vendido por: GreatGuitarsshop
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Up for sale  presented here is a Manuel Contreras with the well known headstock, only the top instruments have from this workshop and of course the “Luthier” label though not signed. In spite of a lot of adds stating the Manuel Contreras built all his first grade guitars himself inside information learns that most of the time Ignacio Rosas and Lagunar are responsible for the production though carefully controlled by Manuel Contreras himself.

Odd thing here is that a non signed instrument is equipped with Brasilian rosewood sides and back and a larger 660 mm scale as opposed to what is known and has been told around the concert class instruments just under the 1A signed ones. when Contreras found minor flaws on an instrument he didn’t sign the label. As for me the reason could be the second quality of ebony used for this guitar as it is a bit “spotted”. Nothing wrong with tags but detectable. The guitar is in good condition though some play wear around the sound hole as can be expected from a well played guitar. Good fretwork and besides one well repaired crack in the lower bout (under the left wing of the bridge) nothing mentionable. It is stable for over 10 years now!  Of course the premium Fustero tuners, also used on the concert instruments of Ramirez and Contreras and in fact many other Spanish luthiers. You might also take a look at my Blog: www.greatguitarsshop.blogspot.com and also see and hear this guitar played by me. Just search in YouTube for: “Noud Koevoets Contreras”.

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Informacion del Vendor

  • Nombre de la tienda: GreatGuitarsshop
  • Vendedor GreatGuitarsshop
  • Aún sin calificacion

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