Ratings & reviews for Siccas Guitars

Concert guitar – Paolo Falorni 2016


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1 en stock

Catégorie :
Vendu par: Jhostin Guzmán
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Year: 2016

Luthier: Paolo Falorni

Top: Cedar

Country: Italy

I am offering this guitar which is in very good condition, has a good sound projection and a good range of colors. The fretboard is very comfortable to play and it is a good guitar for intermediate-advanced level. It has some nail marks from use but nothing serious.

You can listen to the guitar here:


If you are interested do not hesitate to contact me.


Seuls les clients connectés qui ont acheté ce produit peuvent laisser un avis.


Il n'y a pas encore d'examen.

Informations sur le vendeur

  • Nom du magasin : Jhostin Guzmán
  • Vendeur : Jhostin Guzmán
  • Pas encore d'avis trouvé !

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