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Daniel Roye Concert guitar “1980” Brasilian Rosewood body


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Vendido por: GreatGuitarsshop
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Up for sale here I’ve putted a Daniel Roye Concert guitar. Roye later went on building violins of a high quality and is very successful with it though he still likes to listen to the guitar. In the eighties several guitarists played his instrument. To mention are the Amsterdam Guitar Trio and Alex Timmerman who is playing an 1981 model on YouTube. Just search for: “Manuel Ponce Alex Timmerman”. I wanted to wait with this ad after I finished my presentation of this guitar but all in all, you can get an idea in what to expect.

It is a 650 mm scale guitar and very easy to play with a nice playing action set up recently. Also the fretwork has been renewed. An ebony wooden fingerboard and Sommer tuners are installed on this guitar. I presume someone French polished over the playing marks (not deep!) on the soundboard under the strings. Then you always get a kind of discoloration. I would subscribe the soundboard being in a good condition: Flat, no cracks and just a few small dents. No craquele! The sides and back as well as the neck and the head can be described as being in a very good condition. You can always ask for a sound example of this guitar on request. More info can be found on www.greatguitarsshop.blogspot.com. I’m a private person though!

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  • Nome da loja: GreatGuitarsshop
  • Vendedor: GreatGuitarsshop
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