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Joan Cashimira 1A Rio concert guitar


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Vendido por: GC
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Joan Cashimira 1A Rio concert guitar.

Back and sides are top class Brasilian rosewood (palosanto de rio), the soundboard is first quality Canadian cedar, the guitar has an ebony fingerboard and a very accessible 650 mm scale length.

 Newly fretted and finished with a very thin layer of polyurethane polish by the constructor himself, the guitar shows no signs of use and is in perfect condition.

This guitar was made in Gata de Gorgos (Alicante, Spain) in 1993 had a new priced value of around € 20.000 in 2016. 

 This beautiful guitar is quite simple to play and perform on. When played in a larger hall, it is impressive how the sound of this instrument projects until the last row.

The guitar comes with a Bausach case.

Here is a link where you can hear some recordings:


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  • Nome da loja: GC
  • Vendedor: GC
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