Ratings & reviews for Siccas Guitars

Philipe Conde CE-4

2.0002.100 (-5%)

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Vendido por: Michael Stanton
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I bought this guitar in 2021 from a classical guitar specialist in UK for £2700. I have kept it in immaculate condition and it is as good as new. Having played a guitar with a narrower-than-average neck for many years, I wanted to buy a guitar with a true standard sized neck to stretch my capacity and hopefully improve my guitar playing technique.  I bought this guitar and really love it, but after playing it for a few months I found I just couldn’t get on with the wider neck and ended up not playing it less and less much. It really is a beautiful instrument, but it is time to admit that this isn’t the guitar for me and look for something a bit more akin to what I am used to.  I am pricing it at €2000 with hopes of a quick sale so I can use the money to invest in a different instrument.


It has a solid cedar top, and rosewood back and sides, and comes in an original Conde Brothers hard case.

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  • Nome da loja: Michael Stanton
  • Vendedor: Michael Stanton
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