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SKU: mw24283 Categoria:
Vendido por: MUSIC WORKS
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The Hot Strat high-output pickup will deliver more output and musical midrange than your beloved Stratocaster has ever had. This pickup takes the classic high-end sparkle and adds a slightly lower-voiced humbucker-like cut that will make your chords sound explosive and your solos jump out like never before. The sound is warmer and hotter than a traditional Strat pickup rich with punchy harmonics. The raised flat Alnico 5 rod magnets are taller for a stronger and deeper magnetic field that increases output and the overwound coil delivers additional power and warmth�¢??great for getting heavy sounds from a Strat. A popular choice for a Strat�¢??s bridge position the Hot Strat combines well with vintage-voiced Strat pickups for a modern flexible guitar. We also fabricate a RW/RP reverse wound/reverse polarity version so that when installed in the middle position and combined with the neck or bridge pickups it will be hum-cancelling and give you the biggest 2 & 4 sound possible without the 60-cycle hum. The Hot Strat�¢??s bobbins are hand built using the unique high-output coil wind and taller hand-ground Alnico 5 rod magnets lacquered for stability then wound and wax potted for squeal-free performance. Available in a tapped configuration for multiple output options. Neck/Middle/Bridge position models will have the same output wind direction and magnetic polarity.Middle RwRP position (reverse wind/reverse polarity) �¢?? choose this to have a pic

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  • Nome da loja: MUSIC WORKS
  • Vendedor: MUSIC WORKS
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