Ratings & reviews for Siccas Guitars

2018 Yulong Guo


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Verkauft von: Modern Classical
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Yulong Guo, the world renowned Chinese guitar maker who’s reputation has spread around the globe. With 40 years of experience he has gained a worldwide reputation. One of the highlights of his career is winning second place at a lutherie competition in Spain recently. He impressed visitors and the jury alike with his masterly execution of woodworking and the exceptional sound qualities of his guitars.

This particular Chamber Concert model, it is a one of a kind model with the latest classical guitar technology: double-top with two ultra-thin layers of first-class spruce on either side of a layer of Nomex to give the strength needed for the durability of the top. Using this technique also reduces the soundboard’s weight, and therefore enhances the guitar’s sound volume and responsiveness by far. Back and sides are made of solid Ziricote. This is unusual for a Guo and was a special request making this guitar the only one of it’s kind! The back is arched in the manner of the violin. The arched back provides the guitar with huge projection and volume, making it perfect for concert in the largest of halls. Moreover, the upper bout of the body is sloped to provide a ‘raised fingerboard’ in the style of Humphrey guitars. Thanks to this slight change in the height of the fretboard, the playability of the trebles in high positions is greatly improved. A techwood armrest, ultra-smooth frets along with an extra sound port on the side, and a low string action make the Chamber Concert model exceptionally easy and comfortable to play.


I have owned this guitar for 2 years and have fallen for it so deeply. It is with a heavy heart that I am letting it go but time does move on and I’m hoping this can give the next player as much joy as it gave me. The only marks are minimal from made with love from nails and re-stringing. I am happy to answer any more questions you may have or upload more photos. Shipping not included.

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Informationen zum Anbieter

  • Name des Ladens: Modern Classical
  • Anbieter: Modern Classical
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