Ratings & reviews for Siccas Guitars

Conde Hermanos Felipe V 1998


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1 vorrätig

Verkauft von: Private seller
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This flamenco guitar is made in one of the most wanted and valued periods of the firm, “Felipe V”: the 90s. These instruments offers all of us the very best, regarding quality sound, and comfort, with a perfect and difficult-to-match balance.  An amazing flamenco timbre with a tone clarity, which makes it the perfect instrument for the accompaniment of dancing and singing, as well as for concerts. The condition of this flamenco guitar is excellent. The only imperfection is what you see on the photos en la tapa due to a golpe but its mostly visual and doesn´t affect the sound of the guitar.

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  • Name des Ladens: Private seller
  • Anbieter: Private seller
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